giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

La tragica scomparsa di Zombiekiara e Steve Jobs.

Ecco qui un simpatico esercizio svolto all'università.
Ogni studente ha scritto il proprio necrologio per invogliare le persone a accoglierti nel gruppo di lavoro.

Questo è il mio necrologio, è scritto in inglese ma è abbastanza facile dai.

Ecco qui un simpatico esercizio svolto all'università.
Ogni studente ha scritto il proprio necrologio per invogliare le persone a accoglierti nel gruppo di lavoro.

Questo è il mio necrologio, è scritto in inglese ma è abbastanza facile dai.

In loving memory of
Chiara M.

Creative designer, sarcastic geek and explorer of new worlds.
She died tragically on October the 6th 2090, in her birth-town, New Tokio (former Milan).

At the Chiara Corporation we are all upset for the loss of such a hard-worker and lovely boss.

She started as Product Designer, studing at Politecnico di Milano.

When she was in design school she was a little bit confused.

Chiara wanted to experience every single aspect of design, because, each one was so rich and interesting.

Later after her Master Degree in Product Service Design she took a mystical and legendary journey to India that opened her mind to a totally different state of knowledge.

She visualized that living life with a wide point of view and flexibility
wasn't that bad.

From that moment on, she started developing her natural born authority and management skills helped by her extraordinary capability of self-learning.

She was so good at 3d modeling that she has had worked even at Pixar, first as an animator and the as a coordinator.

Her ideas were revolutionary but also so respectful for the environment that every single company of all the worldS we know wanted her to be part of their staff.

During the riots of the last few days she fought bravely, she was only 103 years old, to defend our freedom of expression rights but suddenly she was attacked and bitten by a nazi-zombie.

Her last words are, since she hated trendy stuff:

“I'd rather be a zombie than
buying an apple product but Steve
Jobs was a great guy!”

3 commenti:

  1. Ahahahahaaha...Mitica!!! Ma c'è ancora Norman McNally che fa scrivere queste cose? :-D

  2. complimenti un bel necrologio *__* porta bene , allunga la vita :))

  3. Condivido! :-) Specie l'ultima parte sui prodotti Apple, che non comprerei neanche sotto tortura. Ho scritto qualcosa si simile sul mio blog, proponendo una vecchia paraculissima foto di me e il brother davanti a Apple sulla 5th avenue.
